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Anti-Aging Rose Quartz Roller

(عدد التقيمات: 0)
$14.38 $19.54 -26% خصم

The "Anti-Aging Rose Quartz Roller" revitalizes skin, diminishing signs of aging for a youthful, radiant look with the soothing touch of pink quartz.

ارسال بريد إلكتروني إلى صديق

The "Anti-Aging Rose Quartz Roller" is a skincare tool used to massage and enhance the skin's appearance, reducing signs of aging and promoting relaxation. Made from pink quartz, a symbol of love and balance, the roller is used to boost skin elasticity and tone facial muscles. It can be gently massaged on the face to reduce fine lines and wrinkles, promoting a youthful and radiant look.

Massaging the skin, whether it's facial or body skin, with upward and downward movements for 5 to 10 minutes

Skin is drained, toned, and lifted. Fine lines and wrinkles are reduced, and skin looks more youthful and radiant.

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